Letters To A Much Younger Me: On Identity

Sign saying "This Is Who I Am"

Dear 18-year-old self:

It’s not your college degree or your grades that will define you.
It’s not your intelligence, either.
And it’s certainly not your paycheck or your wealth.

What defines you as a human, a professional, and a member of society are just two things that matter above all else:

  • your ACTIONS
  • and your WORDS

And what dictates your actions and your words?

  • your HABITS

Your HABITS are what define you as a human because they dictate your most high-frequency ACTIONS and WORDS.

So, I humbly suggest you ask yourself about your HABITS;

  • are they motivated by kindness and positivity? #Happy
  • are they constructive and conducive to continual improvement? #Humble
  • are they difficult to maintain and require investment? #Hungry

Those are the HABITs that make us better humans than the day before. Those are the HABITs that will define you. #BestTodayBetterTomorrow


Your 48-year-old self.

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